Corrective Exercise

Corrective Exercise vs. Physical Therapy - What’s the difference?

At Sarasota Sports Medicine, we are committed to helping every patient regain full function that allows them to resume their active lifestyle

While traditional physical therapy is an essential recovery step following surgery, it often falls short of providing full functional ability and return to sport. This limitation is the result fo the focus of physical therapy on activities of daily living or ADL’s. ADL’s are defined as;

“Activities of Daily Living are related to personal care. They include bathing or showering, dressing, getting in and out of bed or a chair, walking, using the toilet, and eating.”

Although important, ADL’s alone are insufficient for an active adult or athlete to safely return to their sport. Corrective exercise on the other hand focuses on function movement and mobility with the goal of returning a player to full un-restricted activities. By employing corrective exercise following treatments like laser therapy, prolotherapy and stem cell injections, patient outcomes are dramatically improved. More complete healing of damaged tissues, less pain, improved range of motion, strength and mobility ensures the greatest results.

If you have any questions regarding our corrective exercise programming, please don’t hesitate to reach out and speak with one of our specialists. Remember;

“You Don’t Have to Be a Pro to Be Treated Like One!”